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When viewed from the opposite side, the situation where the ears are seen more open than normal on both sides is called prominent ear. It is possible to eliminate this problem with prominent ear surgeries that can be performed from childhood.
How Prominent Ear Surgeries are Performed?
Local anaesthesia is generally preferred for prominent ear surgeries. However, if the patient is of young age or if the patient chooses, it can also be performed with general anaesthesia. The operation takes approximately 1.5 hours.
It is an operation performed behind the ear. There is a method popularly known as “hanging with a rope”. In this method, the auricle is partially shaped only with the help of stitches without opening the ear skin at all. However, this is not a correct and recommended method. With this method, if the suture tears the cartilage, there is a risk that the ear will be restored.
The method preferred by plastic surgeons and which is a permanent solution is different. Surgically, a 3-4 cm incision is made so that only a scar remains behind the ear. In this way, the cartilage is shaped and a permanent solution is found with the help of sutures.
The age of the patient has no effect on the success of the surgery. Just like all surgeries, the recovery period takes longer in advanced ages. As the age progresses, the healing tissue becomes slower.
What is Aesthetic Eyelid Surgery (Blephorasty)?
With the advancement of age and the effect of gravity, skin loosening, excess, sagging occurs in the eyebrows, upper and lower eyelids, and with this, especially in the lower eyelids, bagging may occur with the herniation of fat tissues forward. In addition to causing aesthetic appearance disorder, the sagging upper eyelids may prevent the person from seeing by covering the front of the eye. With aesthetic eyelid surgery, excess skin is removed and the membrane in front of the herniated fat tissue is strengthened and the excess fat mass is removed. In this way, both a beautiful appearance is obtained and the person’s comfortable vision is ensured. A scar remains on the upper eyelid along the lid. However, since this scar will be adapted to the fold of the lid, it is only visible when viewed very closely. On the lower lid, a scar remains just below the eyelashes, and the continuation of the scar looks like a normal skin line on the side. Eyelids are the least scarring area of the human body.
Who is a good candidate for this surgery?
Generally, people over the age of 30, who have sagging and bagging of the upper and lower eyelids, and who have no other health problems are candidates for this surgery.
The operation is performed under hospital conditions, under the supervision of an anaesthetist and in the operating theatre. Local anaesthesia and intravenous sedation are preferred. Depending on the current complaints of the patient, only the upper or lower valves or both upper and lower valves can be operated at the same time. The operation takes 1-1.5 hours on average. It is possible to go home on the same day.
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