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The number of fat cells in the adult human body is constant. After puberty, the number of fat cells does not increase, but the volume of fat cells increases, which results in weight gain. Eating habits and lifestyle are the most important factors in people’s weight gain and loss.
Proper diet and exercise and a regular lifestyle are essential to get rid of excess weight. However, even in people who fulfil these conditions, there may be stubborn fat deposits that do not disappear. Certain areas of the body such as the abdomen, waist, hips, outer and inner sides of the thighs and knees are areas of fat accumulation resistant to diet and exercise. Excess fat in these areas can be removed to some extent with diet and exercise, but more exercise and diet results in disruption of the body’s general metabolism instead of thinning in these areas.
What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is an operation in which fat accumulations in certain parts of the body are sucked with a special vacuum or special injectors and fat is removed from the body. It is definitely not a slimming surgery, but a body contour correction surgery. With this surgery, fat tissue with increased volume and resistant to diet and exercise is removed from the body, while the number of existing fat cells is reduced.
In liposuction surgery, the stubborn fat area is inflated with a special liquid injection. Then, several incisions of a few mm in length are made on or near this area. Through these incisions, metal tubes called cannulas with a diameter of 2-6 mm depending on the patient’s condition are inserted into the subcutaneous layer and the cannulas are connected to the vacuum device with transparent hoses.
The vacuum device is switched on, the cannulas are moved at the appropriate depth in the fat accumulation areas and the process of removing excess fat begins. The process of suction of fat by vacuum continues until the desired body contour and a smooth skin surface is provided. In recent years, ultrasound energy has been utilised. In this method, excess fat tissues are broken down by ultrasound waves and then removed by vacuum in a similar way.
Although excess stubborn fats in deep layers are removed with liposuction, fat accumulations that cause contour irregularities can also be removed with the method called superficial liposuction or liposculpture developed in the last 10 years. Liposculpture technique has also become a method that gives definite results in the removal of skin sagging and elimination of stubborn cellulite.
The classical liposuction procedure caused serious problems due to the fact that the cannula diameters used in the 1970s were quite large and sharp and the vacuum devices used were not sufficient. The procedure can cause significant fluid and electrolyte loss in the body. There have been patients who lost their lives after this operation. These problems have been left behind today. With the techniques applied for the last 10 years, Iiposuction has taken its indispensable place in body contour correction. As long as the aim is not slimming but contour correction, it is an operation that does not have any risk in a well-selected patient, with a well-applied technique under hospital conditions, unless the safety limit is exceeded. Today, the safety limit is accepted as 2.5-4.5 litres in different sources. There are those who take more fat. In this case, measures are taken to complete the fluid and electrolyte balance of the patient, sometimes blood transfusion may be necessary. In patients with extreme obesity called morbid obesity, it has become possible to remove up to 28 litres of fat in a single session by taking the necessary precautions.
The operation is performed under hospital conditions in the operating theatre and under the supervision of an anaesthesiologist. A combination of local anaesthesia and sedation (intravenous anaesthesia) is preferred. Only local anaesthesia can be applied in very limited small areas. The operation lasts between 1-5 hours depending on the condition of the areas to be vacuumed. Cannula entry holes are usually not sutured or 1-2 stitches are placed. Sometimes special thin tubes (resistors) are placed in the areas using the cannula holes, this serves to drain the serum accumulated inside. Depending on the extent of the operation, it is possible to leave the hospital on the same day or after 24 hours.
The postoperative period is usually comfortable. The pain is minimal and can be relieved with medication. At the end of the operation, a special bandage is applied to the vacuum applied areas and the patient is dressed in a special corset. The patient is dressed after the operation. The patient continues to wear the corset for 5-6 weeks. Purplish colour changes may occur in the vacuum applied areas. Swelling, tingling and burning sensation may occur. These disappear spontaneously within 3 weeks. If the surgical scars become indistinct within 2-6 months, the number of fat cells decreases with the removal of fat cells out of the body.
Applied to Which Areas?
Abdomen, waist, hips, hip, hip area, knee, ankle, arms, breast, face, jowl are the areas where fat can be removed with liposuction.
After Surgery
There is not much pain after the operation. Mild pain is relieved with painkillers. Patients are usually discharged on the same day or one day later. It is possible to return to work within 2-3 days.
There may be swelling and bruises in the postoperative period. It usually resolves in 2 weeks. However, it takes approximately 6-12 months for all the swelling in the operation area to go down and the area to take its final shape. During this period, massage and some other treatments can be applied for support.
In order for the surgery to give effective results, it is appropriate to use a corset in the 1-month period after the operation.
It is useful to pay attention to diet and exercise in the postoperative period. It should not be forgotten that if overeating continues, weight can be regained in other parts of the body, although not as much as before. However, in case of this weight gain, the areas where liposuction has been performed and the areas where liposuction has not been performed gain weight proportionally.
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